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Monday, September 12, 1932
256th Day   Old Defenders Day (Baltimore, Md.)   110 Days to come
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Washed ironed [[image - diamond with lines drawn along the shape's diagonals]] and canned 4 qts of peaches. Mrs C came to have feed ground. A little shower came up. Herman helped Harner put up his bean hay. Ruth gave us ice we made a 1/2 gall of ice cream. pretty good. I am quite tired. 

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Tuesday, September 13, 1932
257th Day   109 Days to come

Clarence is helping Armstrong fill silo. I canned 16 1/2 qts peaches. Making 27 1/2 altogether but 20 1/2 from the 2 bu. Will take truck up home this P.M. Mrs Davidson called and wanted 2 chickens.