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January 1933 
Sat. 7 


Jean fresh a heifer Baked 2 pies and a cake Cooked beans And potatoes for Dad going into town. 

Sun. 8 

Nice day
We all went out to Uncle Harrys Had a nice day good dinner. We came on out and did our chores then took the folks home.

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Mon. 9 

Nice day colder
Washed hung clothes in the house Then went in to see Joe Brown in you said a mouthful pretty good. Went up to see Venus decided to have supper together. C. came out milked and brought steak. 
Great time [[side of page]]

Tues. 10 

Ironed quite a bit but did not iron curtains. Went over the house a little must get pantry cleaned. Went over to see Ruth Ewing. Folks came out in Eve. Gwynn went home with them.