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[[preprinted]] February   1933 [[/preprinted]]
Fri. 24
worked on the Bedroom some Johnsons came over about the orchard. We went to to Belle Miller sale. But C.F. did not get big sow we also went to see Grandma She is not so good.

Sat. 25

Foggy & rain
got garden plowed. I baked 4 pies Finished the papering worked pretty good. went in town but was not out of car.
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1933 February
Sun. 26

Clear & cold
worked some then went out home for dinner Had a nice time Mama came home with us. My back is still sore.

Mon. 27

Beautiful Day 
Mother and I washed. got them dried in fine shape Mother grated & ground 4 pts of horse Radish HA Mama and I went to the show State Fair and it was great.