Viewing page 29 of 96

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[[preprinted]] April 1933 Thus. 13 [[/preprinted]]
Worked around
here all day
Went out home in
the Eve.  Surely too
bad about Uncle BR.
I sure wish we 
had gone in 
last summer

[[preprinted]] Fri. 14 [[/preprinted]] 
Went to Ruths
in AM went to 
Belle in PM  She
went with me.
Got another 100 lbs
of feed.  1.65.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 1933    April Sat. 15 [[/preprinted]]
Cleaned brooder
house took
care of chicks.
Baded 3 peach[[strikethrough]e [[/strikethrough]]
mopped kitchen
[[preprinted]] Sun. 16 [[/preprinted]]
Rainy Easter Day
Gwynn was
baptized by Rev
J.H. Culler we were
out home.  Inez
and Hazel came
down for Ava.  Carrie
came too.
Had a nice day
out home.  Harriers
came Florence
went to the movie.
Got our B. Batteries
Inez bought them .69