Viewing page 77 of 96

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[[preprinted]] October 1933 
Sun. 22 [[/preprinted]]
Went to SS took our Harvest gift for the Orphange
Came home took Kitchens to W Mansfield to look at the property.
Came back stopped at Grandmas.

[[preprinted]] Mon. 23 [[line]] [[/preprinted]]
Felt funk
did not wash In fact, did not do much of anything.

dressed a chicken that had been run over a white Giant Rooster.
Sorry I had planned to have him Thanksgiving.

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[[preprinted]] 1933 October
Tues. 24 [[/preprinted]]
Phylis was here all day and played with
Gwynn.  I took her down to Kitchens in
late afternoon.

[[preprinted]] Wed. 25 [[/preprinted]]
Washed in A.M. Mabel came and we made 
tomato pickle
It is not so bad altho it lacks something