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[[preprinted]] October 1933 Wed. 30 [[line]] [[/preprinted]]
Washed  made over a couple of dresses. Fixed my blue over too
Am quite tonight
Scrubbed porches
Should have washed my Hair but did not.

[[preprinted]] Thurs. 31 [[line]] [[/preprinted]]
Went down and helped Mabel get ready for the party
we baked 12 pies.  had coffee and sandwiches 
Had a nice time and nice crowd.

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[[preprinted]] 1933 November Wed. 1 [[line]] [[/preprinted]]
went down to help M. wash the dishes  Did not work much at home  was all in I guess

[[preprinted]] Thurs. 2 [[line]] [[/preprinted]]
Raked the yard in am  Took Ruth E. and mom to Aid. Had a lovely time  good crowd and good eats  got home late