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[[preprinted]] November 1933 Mon. 27[[/preprinted]]
washed mine and mamas.  Got them dry outside  Sure glad
mopped the kitchen and finished Gwynns overcoat all but pressing.

[[preprinted]] Tues. 28[[/preprinted]]
I ironed.  Clarence & Gwynn went out home to cut wood.   Gwynn cut HA with ax.  I finished his coat.
we got the calves back tonight.  went down to Mabels for supper.
C cut Alvins hair.

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[[preprinted]] 1933   November Wed. 29[[/preprinted]]
Cook some Cranberries to take to Harners
Baked some and cleaned.  In fact a little bit of everything.

[[preprinted]] Thurs. 30[[/preprinted]]
went to Harners
Had a nice time and nice dinner.  Everything OK.