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[[preprinted]] December 1933 Wed. 13 [/pre-printed]] Baked a cake  put tape on Ruth's E. apron.  Went to Blue Jacket Club. Had a nice time.  Ruth helped with  Lima Order came

[[preprinted]] Thurs. 14]] Went out home to butcher the beef. Came home and made up Orders and delivered some.

[[preprinted]] 1933 December Fri.15 [/pre-printed]] Worked around here and ironed some  delivered the rest of Orders  Kitchens came up in the eve, had lots of fun.

[[preprinted]] Sat.16 [/preprinted]] Baked 3 pies cleaned up things, mopped the kitchen. Went in town. got C F a new shirt and Gwynn a tie  Florence Ava a pr of stepins. Came home and made 3 batches of candy