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Friday, February 9, 1934
40th Day-325 Days to Follow
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Cold 10[[degree symbol]] below-Zero

I did not do much of anything because it was too cold to work in the kitchen I did reline CFs leather coat also repaired it. Ruth was here and Herman and Jing came out after corn and to see how Corky was.

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Saturday, February 10, 1934
41st Day-324 Days to Follow
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12[[degree symbol]] above.

Rather look for the girls. It is much warmer. I worked around all day Ironed some in afternoon. Also baked 4 pies Ruth came over Mabel invited us down for Sun. As the kids were there. I told the folks were coming I thought Mabel took me out home or started to when I thought they passed us So we came back and they were here

Cream $2.49