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Sunday, June 17, 1934
168th Day---197 Days To Follow

Reunion day Fixed Ice Cream to take went out home There were only 38 there. Had a nice time. We went to see Grandma Mrs. Mortimore also paid me .40 for the music she lost for me. We made ice cream Ed Ewings were here all but Ruth. She is in Columbus. Kitchens came up
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Monday, June 18, 1934
169th Day---196 Days To Follow

Rained all forenoon. Took Chucks freezer in town Ordered my music. Clarence picked cherries. Herman and Mama came out Mama made 2 pies and I canned 4 qts out of what they picked. I went to practice at Grange hall. Clarence sold & delivered Mrs. Barnes 1/2 bushel
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