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Thursday, December 26, 1935
360th Day - 5 Days to Follow 
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Boys shoveled snow  we got home about 1:00. Everything O.K. when we arrived here. Ava came in with us. We loafed mostly. Gwynn and I decided to go see Shirley Temple in "The Littlest Rebel" It was fine. 
Ava & Clarence took care of Peggy. She slept from 10:00 until 7:00.

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Friday, December 27, 1935
361st Day - 4 Days to Follow
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Sis has to go back today Lavonne came down to observe the baby some. Sis went at 11:50. Venus called and wanted us to come up for supper So I guess I am willing anyway if Clarence is He is out to his Dads' now. 
Had a nice time