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[[preprinted]] March 20 [[/preprinted]] Mon.
Washing our washes.  Dried outside Mama, Peggy and I went to see W. C. Fields Charlie McCarthy & Edgar Bergen in "You Can't Cheat an honest man.  Called for the report of the urine specimen of C. F.'s Dad.

[[preprinted]] March 21 [[/preprinted]] Tues
Ironed all that was ready I did not get the starch made So did not have them all ready to iron.  Worked on Peggy's coat.  Must finish it by Sun.  None of us went to Grange.  Clarence had a cold and so did I.

[[preprinted]] You philosophers are sagas in your maxims and fools in your conduct.  Benjamin Franklin [[/preprinted]]

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[[preprinted]] March 22 [[/preprinted]] Wed
Ironed the rest of the clothes and cleaned the house.  Peggy went with Clarence out home to plow.  Richard had a nice nap.  Had supper when C. F. got here.  had roast beef.  dressing scalloped oyster plant.  pudding & baked potatoes.

[[preprinted]] March 23 [[/preprinted]]Thurs
Sewed.  Worked on Margarets coat.

[[preprinted]] The broad-minded see the truth in different religions, the narrow-minded see only the differences.  Chinese Proverb [[/preprinted]]