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April 21 ^[[Fri]]
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Did up the necessary work. Thought maybe someone might come but nothing doing. Clarence I played some Chinese checkers.

April 22 ^[[Sat]]
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Made a pudding Baked a cake and some gems. Folks were in Clarence sowed grass seed. Also took the stumps out of the back yard.

[[preprinted]] Thought once awakened does not again slumber. Carlyle [[/preprinted]]

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April 23 ^[[Sun]]
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Went to church with mama. Had dinner then Margaret and Richard and I went out home and we went over to Uncle Harry's. Harners came they had been out home then here then came over there.

April 24 ^[[Mon]]
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Washed. finished about 10:45. Olive was here a little while. Ironed some

[[preprinted]] We know accurately only when we know little, with knowledge doubt increases.   Goethe [[/preprinted]]