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[[preprinted]] May 3 [/preprinted]]  Wed

Ironed some. Went up town in afternoon. Did some mending. Went out home to get their car so Mama could come in town. But she had me shop for her. We went out home after the kids. Mama liked her dress.

[[preprinted]] May 4 [/preprinted]] Thurs

Hurried around to go to the Aid at Fern Kennedys. Had a lovely time. Nice crowd too. Came home. Did up the chores for C.F. He is plowing for Alvin.

[[preprinted]]I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is the best policy.  Washington[[/preprinted]]

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[[preprinted]] May 5 [[/preprinted]] Fri

Did up work and finished ironing. Took kids out home and Clarence to work so I could go to Club. Had a very nice time The family were not there. The old man blew up again about that D—n Spittoon  To H--l with it.

[[preprinted]] May 6 [/preprinted]]  Sat

Have so much to do to get ready for the dinner tomorrow
doing everything. 
Did not get thru.

[[preprinted]]A field becomes exhausted by constant tillage.

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