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June 24 ^[[Sat]]
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want to iron and have to get dinner for Hay hands.  Went out and helped with the hay.  Went up town in the evening   Several have looked at the place.

June 25 ^[[Sun]]
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Stayed home in the daytime but went out home an on to Jays in the evening.  Two different people looked at the place but did not decide.

[[preprinted]]  O, beloved Pan, and all ye other gods of this place, grant me to become beautiful in the inner man.   Socrates

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June 26 ^[[Mon]]
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washed mine and mama's  did not have a very big washing.  Should sew but don't feel much like it.  mama came in the p.m.  We went to Pearl's in the evening and bought 2 brood sows  $15. a piece.

June 27 ^[[Tues]]
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Did up work and straightened up the basement a little so I could iron down there.  I ironed in  p.m. it was nice down there.  Peggy also took a nap there.  Dick slept up here.  Rained in eve.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
For loan oft loses both itself and friend.