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[[preprinted]]July 26[[/preprinted]] Wed.
Ironed and mended
C. Picked beans and I canned 14 qts. They were nice too. Want to can a few more. We have decided to go to Nelson Riunion. 

[[preprinted]]July 27[[/preprinted]] Thurs.
Made my blue dress Got along fairly well. Had so much to do as I had mending besides leaving things here.

[[preprinted]]If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent him. Voltaire [[/preprinted]]
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[[preprinted]]July 28[[/preprinted]] Fri
Washed, ironed and mended, cleaned, baked and about everything else We arranged to leave in the Eve. We left here at 9.00 Then we made good time arrived in Washington at 3.30

[[preprinted]]July 29[[/preprinted]] Sat
Went to Walters got them up at 6.00. We had breakfast then did up work and packed the basket for Reunion. We went to South Park Then at 12.00 They began to come. 48 were there. Hodges Williams, Nelsons, Henry's, Carsons, Myers! 

[[preprinted]]Revenge is a kind of wild justice; which the more man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out. Francis Bacon[[/preprinted]]
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