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[[preprinted]] November 19 [/preprinted]] Sun
Lawrence Downing got some corn. We loafed around all day and went down to Harners in Eve. Also got some apples at Mrs Wendlings  Florence & Edna were at Harners. Folks were there too.

[[preprinted]] November 20 [/preprinted]] Mon
[[strikethrough]] Washed [/strikethrough]] Went to show in afternoon  Cleaned around in A.M.  Was quite cold  The folks had trouble with their car  broken axle. Darn the luck anyhow  I hate to see them have so darn much  It seems they have more than their share.

[[preprinted]] Fools make feasts and wise men eat them.  Benjamin Franklin [[/preprinted]]
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[[preprinted]] November 21 [/preprinted]] Tue
Worked with pears  peeled and canned 19 qts. Also washed in P.M.  Went to Pauline & Dutchs shower  we had a dandy time  They served doughnuts apples & candy.

[[preprinted]] November 22 [/preprinted]] Wed
Went from one thing to another, finally got the dresser in from garage and got the rugs down. Did not iron though  made some apple sauce. Took Hattie my green rug to clean

[[preprinted]] To the untrue man the whole universe is impalpable. It shrinks to nothing in his grasp.  Hawthorne [/preprinted]]
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