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88th Day 278 Days to come
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Washed and worked in the basement 
Took somethings down to dump also sold .57 cents worth of stuff. I went to the show with Hattie The Ghost Returns. Frank Morgan pretty good. Went to bed early. Have lots to do tomorrow. Hattie and I entertain the club at Hatties house. We are going to serve apples & cheese snacks.
Hattie got milk but had Pd all but 1/2 gal. - .10
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89th Day 277 Days to come
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Rainy Want to go over the house also do some fixing for supper. Want to go to Hatties early. So I can help at least at the last minute.
Had a nice time
Went back after supper. There were 2 tables. Nice time & got a letter from Helen D. Detrick.