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154TH Day   2nd Sunday after Trinity 212   Days to come
[[double line]]

Lovely day the first in many. [[Our?]] Sunday Dinner at Mildred Early's[[.]] Had a lovely dinner and lovely time as usual, we went with Kate & Ora. Came home did chores then went after the children [[.]] Borrowed for the tractor corn plows

Watkins pd

[[strikethrough]] O Rielys got  [[/strikethrough]]

Moon got 1 qt extra every other day

Herman would be 44 today if [[short line]] God had not planned otherwise.

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155TH Day   Confederate Memorial Day (Tenn., Ky.)   211 Days to come
[[double line]]

Lovely day.
Am washing also want to make garden this afternoon. Have a whopper of an ironing because I did not get much ironing done last week. As the clothes were forever drying. Made garden planted, peas, beans, lettuce, spinach, onions, beets, carrots, must plant, radishes, melons, cucumbers, salsify, more beans potatoes and plants galore.