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162nd Day 204 Days to come
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Reba's shower
Washed and did not get my clothes clear dry before the rain. Went up town to get Reba's present I got her a vanity set. It is pretty and I want one also for my dresser. Had a lovely time at Mabel Klines at the shower. It rained about all the time.

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163rd Day St. Barnabas 203 Days to come
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Ironed some and made a dress for Margaret. Must iron some more also want to mop the kitchen. Grange night 
Have to take a covered dish. I also have to sing 
Mr. Spurlock paid me the rent this A.M. He wants electricity very bad and will pay 64 of the $95 includes everything. Wanted to go down home but I will go tomorrow.
[[in margin]] 95-64=$31