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4th Day   2nd Sunday after Christmas   361 Days to come
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Dinner Day  I'm Hostess  Thelma Helen and [[Don?]] and Barbara were in California So we did not have a very big crowd Only 17 altogether.  We had Roast Beef, Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, S. Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Dressing, Noodles, Salads Potato and Fruit Cranberry sauce ^apricots^ apple sauce, Pineapple preserve. Cake and pineapple pie.  A swell dinner if I do say so also cheese.  
Hullinger 4 gal.

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5th Day  360 Days to come
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Am not washing.  I may iron some as I washed Sat.  Had to get the Council invitations out.  Am having it next Thurs. Eve. Also club Wed. Eve. Will have to see about refreshments for the Grange.  Cookies [[buns?]] at Moores and meat at Fischers.

Hattie wants milk.
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