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280th Day  85 Days to come
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Will hang up the clothes. Want to iron but Richard turned it on and I don't know whether it will heat again or not. Want to sand the floors too but have to wait and see if I will have any money. 4:40 Called Dr Traul. They have no report on anything yet. Not even heard from Lewis.

Rent from Pettys due $3.75

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281st Day  84 Days to come
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Intended to sand the [[strikethrough]] [[sand]] [[/strikethrough]] floors but I suppose I had better go to the School. Our council meets tonight. Did not go to the school. Mrs. Petty called about 2:30 and said the Hospital called and said for them to come after Lewis, that he was playing and they needed the bed for another child.

Rented saxophone to Lee Rydings