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364th Day  1 Day to come
[[double line]]

A bad day. Icy but the ground did not freeze until night Ironed part of my ironing Must finish tomorrow. Lora M came over and pd me $6.00. Olive and I went to public Installation of Eastern Stars. Venus was installed as Electa. They looked very nice in white.

[[line separating top text from bottom so I think the rest of this page is continuation of next page:]] So much has happened this year war etc. But in spite of it Thanks.

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365th Day
Still rather bad. Must iron it seems. I always have to iron the day before New Years. Ha. Always do it because I don't want to iron all year. Ha. We are invited out tonight to watch the Old Year out but I don't know whether we will or not. 
Thanks Old Year. you have been very good to me. We have had things a little easier and not quite so many trouble since [[continued at bottom of previous page]]
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