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Saturday, May 22, 1943
142nd Day--233 Days to Follow
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Went over the house all but kitchen
Mrs Hostetter came out Sat. Eve. we visited until 11:00 kids took their lessons.

Sunday, May 23, 1943
143rd Day--222 Days to Follow

We breakfasted washed dishes Then went to Mt. Zion. The new preacher Mr. Mueller seemed very nice. Went to Bacculaureate at Z. (4.26 cream Sat.)

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Monday, May 24, 1943
144th Day--221 Days to Follow
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Malcolm $21.00
Am not washing Do surely hope it will clear up pretty soon. Want to get a dress & shoes today also see about my ring. Went in town got a new dress $8.90- A Redingote first I ever had. Intended getting shoes but decided to wear blue ones.

Cream 2.69