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Thursday, June 17, 1943
168th Day-197 Days to Follow
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It looked rainy so did not wash. I dread trying to heat the water. I did wash out several things. Dave helped Clarence plow so he would sow his beans.
Gwynn Margaret and I went to Lewistown for Pomana. Gwynn played a sax solo Peg tap danced and whistled They both did fine.

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Friday, June 18, 1943
169th Day-196 Days to Follow
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Am washing. Got the middle burner to burn. I have to go in town this P.M. Lora Miller came over and wanted us to keep Malcolm next year at reduced rate But I don't think we will. Clarence drilled beans for Dave. But he plowed and disced for us. Surely swell of him.

Cream 3.21