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Saturday, June 26, 1943
177th Day - 188 Days to Follow
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Worked in hay. We have 8 nice loads of hay in barn. Sold the rest to Alfo D. for $30.00 Took kids in at 5.30 E.W.T. Came home did chores and went to bed.

cream 1.58

Sunday, June 27, 1943
178th Day - 187 Days to Follow
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Went to S.S. There were only 22 there. Hope it is better next Sun. was home the rest of day at home. Chldren went to Hipoint. They were in a long time.

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Monday, June 28, 1943
179th Day - 186 Days to Follow
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Am washing. Have a large one. Clarence is going to plow corn. I guess. Mow hay this afternoon. Did not mow. went in town Mabel and I went out to see Beth. She is going back home tomorrow.

cream $3.02