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Saturday, November 13, 1943
317th Day - 48 Days to Follow
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Mother sold her share of corn to Don Eads for $130.
We went in town in P.M. went after C.F. as they did not get thru at Freers. Hattie [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] settled her case by agreement.

Sunday, November 14, 1943
318th Day - 47 Days to Follow

Did up work Then C.F. and I went out to see a cow we bought it nice work for Sun. but we could not see her last night.

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Monday, November 15, 1943
319th Day - 46 Days to Follow
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a terrible day. cut out a dress for Peg but can't finish as I have no thread. Sold our hay for $25.00. straight thru. Received the check for $17.50 for 3rd cutting alfalfa