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Saturday, November 27, 1943
331st Day - 34 Days to Follow
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Worked around the house all day Took Peg in to her lesson and did the shopping. I served my sandwiches, cake potatoe chips and coffee. They seemed to have a good time. Some left at 1:30

Sunday, November 28, 1943
332nd Day - 33 Days to Follow

pretty day. were home nearly all day. Mama and I went down to Harners awhile. Ruth seems better.

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Monday, November 29, 1943
333rd Day - 32 Days to Follow
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We are shredding went in town to get meat also got a battery. 115[[-?]] including a rim to hold the battery. Had 10 for dinner we got a nice bunch of corn and feed. went to Jays for farewell card party until May 1st.