Viewing page 51 of 204

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96th Day   Wednesday in Holy Week   270 Days to come
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Did some of the ironing then went out to Grange Hall to sew. Mrs Weymouth Edna, Helen, Janet Tucker, and Sister and I there.

Eva Fresh - Boy

Took Lelands Eggs
5 doz. 

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97th Day  Maundy Thursday - Army Day   269 Days to come
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Did some sewing and mending. Cleaned our closet. Got some more rug rags for mother. Clarence and I went to the show Bridge of San Luis Rey. Pretty good. A Drummer ^[?] Joslin won the $75. Betty-Jo won 25. George Clapp saddle won $15.00. And Red Carmean.

Took Chucks 3 doz
Cream $4.09

Transcription Notes:
The word before "Joslin" appears to be a first name that starts with the letter "J",but I'm not sure what the first name is.