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118th Day U. S. Grant - Born 1822 248 Days to come ^[[41st]]
[[double line]]

Mother's birthday 
Got 4 cards for my Birthday. Sis sent me material for a housecoat and $5.00
Richard & Margaret sang Happy Birthday to me this A.M. Gee, I hate to have an operation
Dr. Firmin said I would have to probably. I have to go see him Mon. Then I'll know the [[underlined]] verdict. [[/underlined]]
We had our celebration regardless of things. We went to Urbana. Ate at Millners, were late not much choice.
Saw Heibert Carey. He lives at 827 E. High
Went to movie Song of Russia.
Nice time
Lots of fun but we all needed

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119th Day  247 Days to come
[[double line]]

Pretty day.
Had bad luck with the tractor
Had to order repair parts from Plymouth
Collar throw out. Bearing Facing and Springs.
Venus said Ronnie goes to Hospital Sun. and is operated on Mon. Surely hope everything turns out alright. Violas leg is better I guess. Ronald Cordrey came and borrowed Clarences Tractor Book.
Clarence is sewing Oats at Kerrs. Hopes to get done today.

Transcription Notes:
Nothing in instructions to add extra lines in text that the author did not add. Edited to show written entries inserted into the preprinted headers of pages and remove extra lines that just take up database space.