Viewing page 63 of 204

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120th Day  246 Days to come
[[double line]]

Cleaning up around a little when Mrs Elmer Miller called and said Jackson's house burned
I called Grahams and Fred said it was burned down. It was such a shock. Marie S. brought the repairs for the tractor. Took Peg & Clarence in town. He worked on the tractor at Nelson Cookseys
Harlan ^[[& Miriam]] brought the tractor back home that Ronald had borrowed.
Chucks 4 doz 24

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

121st Day  3rd Sunday after Easter  245 Days to come
[[double line]]

Clarence was going to work on the tractor at the garage So I went in to see ^[[Shine on]] Harvest Moon. Pretty good.
Hattie called up and we had quite chat.
We went in to Chucks awhile.
37 1/2 doz Eggs

Transcription Notes:
I am still puzzled as to why someone would edit the page that was transcribed without error just to add extra spaces and lines. There is nothing in instructions that says to do so. Also how can anyone even guess how many spaces there are between things, and to remove the word 'red' from 'double line' when the double lines are red? Just curious, seems like time better spent looking for typos!!! Since I reopened to add this note, am putting the pages back as I originally transcribed.