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222nd Day  144 Days to come
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Still pretty.
Have some ironing to do as I washed some good things last night. Want to go to the show this afternoon. 9:45. Ethel Gee called and said Ruth passed away at 9:15
Poor soul
She is out of her misery.
Mama Clarence and I went down to Harner
So glad, Florence Phillip was ^[[with]] Ruth when she passed on. Went on down to funeral home
She looks very nice

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223rd Day  143 Days to come
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Mother and Clarence went in town. Mother got a hat. I did up work waxed floors with Peggy's help
I had an appointment for a [[strikethrough]] week. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[wave]] 
Also got a pair of shoes.
Came home Took our basket down. Also one for Florence's class. Olive went with me. Came back got supper then we went down again. Went to bed around 1:30