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240th Day  12th Sunday after Trinity  126 Days to come
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Rather lazy. Gwynn got the Ford out and ran out of gas. He had Margaret help him ride on bike to hold gas and she got her foot caught hurt her heel very badly. Clarence took her to the Dr. Finally got Dr Costin
He took 12 stitches in it. She was quite restless. We thought Smiths would be here for a party but Just Vassars Jacksons. Mr Dering were here. Gwynn built a fire

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241st Day  St. Augustine  125 Days to come
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Am not washing. Clarence has to meet Grange Trustees to see about renting Grange Hall
Will visit & entertain Peggy. Gwynn did not work but went in to get some school clothes. Went to see the Dr. He came back on Sun. But Dorothy's Shoot's son broke his arm. So He left. Went back down after Supper and he had 3 emergencies So we left again.