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264th Day  Ember Day  102 Days To Come
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Want to go into town this A.M. C.F. went in He is helping Grahams bale this P.M. Frances Nicholl called and said Ernest Rabe had died. So will have to go into ^[[Col.]] there for the funeral.

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265th Day  St. Matthew  101 Days to Come
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Hurried around and took the kids down to stay with Florence We left E. Liberty at 10.45 and was at Evas at 12.00. She appreciated our coming. Had a nice visit with them all. We ate dinner there. Then we left around 4:20 and went to Wares. Roy came home sick and he really [[underlined]] was [[/underlined]] sick. Ate supper with them and then came home and went on the fair. 

We gave money instead of flowers.

Transcription Notes:
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