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FRIDAY 22 SEPTEMBER ^[[ [[black circle]] Plenty.]]
266th Day  1st Day of Autumn - Ember Day  100 Days to Come
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Went in town to take Gwynn in to play in the band. Also tried to get a watch for him but its out for a while. So got him a collar pin and $5.00 and drivers license. Mother gave him 1:00 Sis sent him a lovely bill fold, clothes brush and $1.00 So he fared pretty well. Kids were going to football game but decided not 
So Florence was here to supper and we played checkers

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267th Day  Ember Day  99 Days to Come
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Cloudy and cold. C.F. going after pickles. I want to get a lot done around here. Have not done much for 2 weeks now. C.F. and kids went after the pickles at Frances Nicholls. I made 2 qts of chili and 1 qt of catsup & made a little pear butter also. Have to go in town to take Peggy for her lesson also the Dr. Clarence took her I kept the 2 Harolds & Rick.

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