Viewing page 161 of 204

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316th Day  49 Days to Come
[[double line]]

Cloudy. foggy. am not washing. want to go out to the farm. Did not go to the farm But I went to the show Weekend at Waldorf. Ginger Rogers, Walter Pigeon and Lana Turner and Van Johnson. Pretty good but I was too tired to really enjoy it. Had supper and I went to bed. Martins moved yesterday Thank Goodness!

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317th Day  48 Days to Come
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Rainy. some colder. want to go over the house today. But will not wash until later as will help Mildred & Karl move next mon. Did some repairing. got a card from the Moore Pen Co. and they will repair my pen for $1.50 So am sending it today. Hope to get it back soon. Went to Commercial Club Had a very nice time.

Grahams got tractor to take machinery in town.

Transcription Notes:
Part of the second page is written faintly but can be read.