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Friday 18 January
18th day    347 days to come
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Spent the day painting Finally finished the kitchen Went down to see the BB. game but a pole was broken So there was no lights So they were to have the game on Sat. night. Gwynn is going with the Rural Youth Group to Springfield over the weekend.

2 qts of enamel   2.88
2 pts. Turpentine .40

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Saturday 19 January
19th day   Robert E. Lee--Born 1807    346 days to come
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Gwynn got up early for once Dad took him in. Hope he has a nice time and learns to live with others peacably. Dad helped Chas Stern shred awhile Then we went in town to the show Along the Navajo Trail Roy Rogers and Billie Burke in The Cheaters got home about 10:30.
Guthrie pd 10.00.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure what the word is after 'learns to live with' also not sure if the word in the next sentence is Chansterm