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46th Day   319 Days to come
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Did not do a whole lot I had an appointment to get a wave. Am singing at E. Liberty tonight. Am going with Ellen Mitchell. It was a terrible night but we got along O.K.

Mrs Woods gave me a coin purse with the O.E.S Insignia on it. Very cold today. Gordon pulled Clarence to get started.

Menu Roast Beef Rolls Gravy Pickles Conserve Salad Cherry Pie & ice cream Mashed Potatoes, wax beans, coffee.

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47th Day   318 Days to come
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Pretty and warmer. Cleaned up the house. Have pies to bake. Gwynn wanted me to wash some socks for B.B. Joes and Emerys came. They seemed to enjoy themselves at dinner and in the evening also. Joe had to untie a certain lady's shoe string on Fri. before Harner & Florence came in but would not stay So I asked them for tomorrow.