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154th Day Confederate Memorial Day (Tenn., Ky.) 211 Days to come
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Cloudy. Will not wash. Gordon came up and wanted Clarence to go with him to Springfield to look for Canvas. Clarence hunted up some baling wire.  Has promise of some. Kids and I went to The Blue Dahlia  
Mother went to see Lizzie. Dick finally got the electric shaver for Dad.

Guthrie 500

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155th Day 210 Days to come
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Olive oil.
Washed did not have such a large one. Made some more garden planted 8 rows sweet corn, 1 row green beans, 1 row soup beans and 1 row of butter beans & peas.
Took Peg for her dancing then we went on out to Grange.

Transcription Notes:
Smudges on first page