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[[preprinted]] MONDAY 3 FEBRUARY
34th Day   Purification B. V. Mary  331 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Am washing. Mother went in to Uncle Harrys yesterday to stay a few days.  am also churning.  Mabel stopped and paid me. Clarence also went after milk C [[overwritten text]] Got the Clothes dry and some of the ironing done.  Finally run down some rug filler at Stupps.

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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 4 FEBRUARY
35th Day  330 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Very cold Did not get too far from the heat.  It was windy. Harner came in just after we had had dinner I was just finishing the washing of the dishes But I heated the coffee and fried him a couple of eggs and had toast Gwynn took Peg in and got a hair cut.