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Wednesday 30 April
120th Day 245 Days to come
[[handwritten]] Raining. [[/handwritten]]
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Will not wash as it is pouring rain. Will try and work in the boys room. Have painting & papering to do in there
Got most of the wood work washed Clarence did the plastering hoped to get the papering done but Harner came was here for dinner So before we left the table Graham came after the hay. Did get the painting done in the boys room.

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Thursday 1 May
121st Day  St. Philip and St. James, Apostles  244  Days to come
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Todays the day. We went in town about 9.00 did not wait but just a little while everything done up. We had the best time paying bills. We thought we had everything paid up but we owe Wolfheims $15.15 will take care of it later. Paid mother also. It's a happy day. Went to stork showers for Reita Van Hynnig Ruth Willets they got several nice things.