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[[two page note paper folded]]
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half bad. Oh, but I'd rather have a room in Gosport or Cottage B instead. Willie, appreciate this last week at the Island, because you're at the most wonderful place in the world. What a reaction one gets when one picks up a newspaper back here in civilization and reads all about murders, suicides, accidents, robberies, lynchings, and all the rest of it. After all the peace and beauty of the Shoals, it makes one almost sick. Sometimes, I think I'd like to run away from the world, and go to a place like Star Island, away from all this mess, and spend the rest of my days there,
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 - let the career (if I ever have one) go hang. Of course, it wouldn't be right - you wouldn't do the world any good by doing anything like that, but it is a great temptation. But I suppose we all must learn to live wherever we are, and under whatever circumstances. Do you remember that story Dr. Wiers told about Roosevelt. How he said, when told he might have to spend the rest of his days in a wheel chair: ""Well, I can [[underline]]live ]]/underline]] that way too". That impressed me greatly, and although I only went to four lectures, I got that one idea that certainly is worthwhile. It's a great thought.
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