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enjoy thoughts as much as actual physical activities and pleasures. Don't think I'm becoming staid or anything terrible like that. I still love to do things and want to often, but it isn't a vital necessity anymore to be always on the go of some kind....... I'm invited to the Macloskies to dinner next Sunday so you see I'm being royally treated by the people of Erie. It doesn't take Erie nearly as long to take someone to itself as it does Schenectady. I've met people who knew Doug (Dean) and Mary (Yard), who both lived here. Doug's father died last year. They went to the Unitarian Church and the Duttons knew both families. I met a Mrs. Armstrong at church, one of those ladies who looks and is the real thing as far as aristocracy is concerned. The "is" part of it I have been told, and as for manner and appearance, I could judge for myself. She is the kind who doesn't have to put on airs, utterly secure, and perfectly charming. After I'd met her, I learned she is one of the most intimate friends of the Dean family and would have been delighted to know I'm a friend of Doug's. But she left a few days later for California, so I must await spring to really know her. Doug and Mary are living in Pittsburgh now and if i should ever go down there to see Rog (Casler), I want to look them up too. In characteristic fashion, Roger has so far failed to answer my letter sent from here, but I know that had he never answered my letters at all, and were I to see him again, I'd like him just as much. He could get along with anyone. Always late to class but the profs couldn't be angry with him; his smile as he came in the door, disarmed them every time. You're the same way about him. You've tried to be put out with him, you've disapproved, but you never could help liking him in spite of everything.

[[image - drawing a man selling alcohol from a tank in his hat, LIFE, HIS OFFICE IN HIS HAT]]
[[caption]] A PROHIBITION CARTOON [[/caption]]