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"The Perennial Bachelor" and she smiled in sort of a condoling way. I asked her how long I could keep it and I thought her reply rather good. She said, "Well, I shouldn't keep that one very long." ...... Castellino and I had a wonderful walk yesterday all along the lake shore. We reached a high bluff above the beach where we spent an hour in the delightful diversion of throwing stones into the water, vying with each other for distance, accuracy, skipping, etc. His long experience at bringing down mangoes in the groves of India gave him the advantage of me in aim while I shaded him in distance, and we split about even in the skipping. It was great to hear the little waves lap up on the sand again; I love that sound of waves coming in , be they big or little. The ice is breaking at last and there are great stretches of open water near the shore now. We saw an abundance of robins in the woods along the shore and spring seemed very near although today winter coasts are quite necessary again. We felt great when we finally got back to the Park and got dressed for the evening's activities. ...... We had dinner at the Tavern as usual, running into Merrigan, the Australian, there. I have great difficulty in understanding him as he has such a regular Cockney accent. However, he can see a joke quicker than Castellino in spite of his very English ways. Walsh I almost never see; guess I shan't get to know him although I'd like to. I hear that Allende got put on "61-nights" when he got back to Schenectady instead of "16-nights" as he expected. If so, I can sympathize with the poor fellow. ...... I had a very nice evening at the Kloss's last night, starting off with conversation and ending in a bridge session in which Mrs. Kloss and I emerged victorious. Marie (Elliot) told me all about North Dakota where she hails from, and I believe she enjoyed talking about it for she seemed not to grow tired of telling about the great fields of golden grain and blue flax stretching away for miles upon miles to the horizon, the harvest, the summers, the people; I enjoyed hearing of it. It must be utterly different from this part of the country. There are no factories at all, no foreign population, no slums or big cities, the capital being only 35,000 people. Marie smiled as she told me her home town is Devil's Lake with seven thousand inhabitants, and she likes that. "Devil's Lake" sounds like the west all right. And I saw little "Miss Willie" and later heard her loud protestations from upstairs while her mother was washing her hair. She objects to having her head put under a faucet very much and her objections are very loud.

[[underlined]] To Willie, April 25, 1926: [[/underlined]] I believe that Mother will be here with me for a couple of months this summer provided we can get a furnished apartment. She wants to come and keep house for me for a little while, which is a better plan than for her to stay at the hotel because that was we see so little of each other with me chasing back and forth to town every evening. ......