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"League of Nations," hailing from Hawaii although of English blood as his name indicates. He graduated from Cornell, stands six foot three, and is really a mighty nice fellow, a good addition to our "gang." While we were browsing around the Park taking in the sights, whom should we run into but Castellino and two girls, one his steady here in Erie, and a friend of hers who didn't impress me much at first, but has more since I discovered she was born in a well known city in Kentucky which is called by some, "Louisville," but [[underline]] is [[/underline]] "Loo'a'vl." So we sort of attached ourselves to them, Mott-Smith particularly to Miss Louisville, and Burns for the time being to Leo's girl, while Leo and I paired off. When we finally ended up at the "Rainbow Gardens," the dance hall, which isn't so bad in itself (they had Paul Whiteman's "Leviathan" orchestra but, as Burns puts it in his quaint way, probably the drummer had been a member of that famous organization at some remote time), Leo took his girl again and Burns and I "batched it." I danced twice with Mary Dean, Leo's lady, and once with Miss Louisville, the latter being a marvelous dancer and, of course, upon inquiry, I found that she had studied dancing, which always seems to be the case when they can dance that way, Old "Riley" (Burns) and I left together about 11:30 and got home about 12:30. Castellino got to bed at 3a.m., missing the last car. So you see Saturday was quite a day and almsot as wild and carefree as those college days. I never want to grow old. I've enclosed something on that subject which seems to me to be exceptionally good. I'm also enclosing a picture of us testmen which appeared in the Works News. It's a picture of a group of test employees really and all are not student engineers. I have underlined the latter. The others are commercial test men who do routine (production) work like any group of factory men. Here you see the famous "Riley" (Burns), Castellino (I know you will look longest at him), Pledge (my golf buddy), Merrigan (the Aus-try-lian), Hoffman (the Texas bearcat) etc., etc., a truly great assemblage. And while I'm enclosing things, here is an article on that large crystal copper which I thought might interest you, and also a picture of one of New Havens which I have raved about. Of course, it's the insides of them that are the most marvelous. And how do you like this poem in the Works News?

The whale, a wise but lazy fish,
When eating does't use a dish.
"How does he eat?" perhaps you ask.
Ah, friends, it is an easy task.

He opens wide his mighty jaw,
And into that capacious maw
Swim little fish of every hue -- 
Orange and pink and green and blue. 


Transcription Notes:
added page number.