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To Mother. June 31 1926: No, Castellino isn't married at all -- that was just a joke just as the story of his having been in the American Army was another......Adeline and I had a great time at the circus, doing everything in grand style -- all except eating peanuts; for a wonder, we didn't do that. She's the type of girl who grows on one, for I find her more interesting and attractive every time I see her. She's very ladylike and has a very pleasant way of talking. ...... Tonight I worked overtime until 7:45. I worked hard today but enjoy that. I don't see how I stood that job with Steenstrup as long as 1 did, with nothing definite to do. Now I have work to occupy me and know that it is work that has to be done and amounts to something. When I finish the day, I can look back and see tangible results from my hours spent. ...... It is 10:30 and I think I'll retire to thoroughly enjoy the luxury of eight hours of uninterrupted sleep in a nice comfortable bed. No more waste beds on hard desks and with the tremendous roar of machinery in my ears. And yet it's remarkable how well I could sleep under those conditions.

[[underscore]]To Willie June 5, 1926[[/underscore]]: Ken and Alice Hazen were up here. They brought a picnic lunch with them and we ate it out on a bluff directly above the shore down the lake about a mile from here. It was glorious there, the lake perfectly lovely. We shall see it together this summer when you are here. I drove back to Meadville with them in the afternoon, returning to Erie on the last car. Ken leaves for Chicago this weekend and will take the church in Hollis, Long Island, in September. So I shan't see him again for some time, I presume.

[[underscore]]To Willie, June 16, 1926[[/underscore]]: Since I last wrote you, I have been to the fair and smokey city of Pittsburgh, Pennsy1vania. It was one of those spur—of—the-moment decisions, rendered more decidable by the New York Central, which was running a $3.00 round trip excursion. So I have now added Pittsburgh to my list of mighty cities visited. We didn't do much there for we weren't there long enough. We did go out and see the plant of our esteemed rival, the Westinghouse Company at East Pittsburgh, and spent the afternoon at the Carnegie Museum and Carnegie Hall where we heard a lovely organ recital. Castellino and Burns enjoyed it as much as I did. ......Tomorrow evening, Castellino and I are going to dinner at Mrs. Kloss's for Marie, the Girl of the Golden West, who leaves for her beloved Dakotas this Friday. But I'm not safe yet, for she returns in the fall. Ah, beware! Castellino has gone to locomotive Test and I miss his genial company. I have some great pictures taken around the plant by Burns and Fouse (done on the sly because no cameras are supposed to be taken into the plant.) I'll bring them with me and you can see just how we all look and what our working place is like. They are really very interesting. It's hard to wait for June 26th to come.