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on Ethel Yokes this afternoon and had a nice visit. ..... I have  surprise for you. I have a ten-day-old moustache. I don't know how long Willie will stand for it; she is beginning to protest now about it. Before I take it off, I'll have Willie take a picture of it anyway.

[[underlined]] To Mother, February 24, 1927 [[/underlined]]: Our consignment of furniture arrived yesterday so last evening saw the house torn up again. Tonight we have things pretty well settled and the living room is so much altered that we should take some more pictures of it. Here is our new arrangement:
[[image: hand drawn and colored living room with labeled furnishings entitled, "PLAN VIEW of LIVING ROOM."]]

[[underlined]] To Mother, February 25, 1927 [[/underlined]]: I'm writing to give you some news that I know you will be glad to hear. Recently I was examined by the Insurance Company's doctor here in Erie and given the blood sugar tolerance test. We have just heard from Louisville that the doctor telegraphed that everything was all right and the insurance policy is going through. I know this will relieve you of any worry you might have had in regard to my health ..... The "Sport Stories" arrived today and I couldn't imagine what it was for until I happened to see "Charles Dana Bennett" in the index. Then I guessed and afterward read your letter. I haven't read the story yet; will send you my comments when I do. When I see Dana crashing into print, it makes me want to try to write something myself. And then one wants to be outdoors as much as possible seasonably. So there are many demands upon one's time--so many things I'd like to do. ..... Willie is going to market with Adeline tomorrow and tomorrow night Karl Somerville and Perkinson are coming up to play bridge. Right now Willie is broiling a steak. She seems to be able to cook anything, seldom repeating her menus even yet. She has made two pies which were simply wonderful, the kind whose crust just melts in your mouth--all flaky. I don't know how she knows all about these things. Today we're having sweet potatoes with marshmallows on them with the steak. I think you