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would notice a difference in me now, for I have taken on some weight and so has Willie. Everyone here has been so nice to her. Did I tell you she is going to take Lenore's place in their bridge club--Ethel Yokes, Ruth Stevens, Mrs. Benedict, Gertrude Coe and three others whom I don't know. Willie attended the Alliance meeting at Mrs. Armstrong's this week too. So you see she is getting along very well.

[[underlined]] To Mother, March 6, 1927 [[/underlined]]:  The Boss, Mr. Case, is taking a three-week vacation in Bermuda at present, so evidently some GE engineers can afford to do things well--it is a ray of hope in the midst of so much propaganda about such small salaries. I think one could do a lot worse than be with the company. ...... Willie took two photos of me with my moustache today and then I shaved it off, beginning to agree with her that it wasn't particularly becoming to me and I do think I do look better without it. ..... It is five weeks since you left us and in five more you will be coming again.

[[underlined]] To Mother, March 10, 1927 [[/underlined]]: We have bought a car, a second hand Dodge touring  a 1922 model, which is in very good condition but was very cheap and, we felt, within our means. I'm not quite sure that you will approve of this. We are going to try it and see how the budget stands it. So far we are keeping well within our budget. We came to the conclusion that we will get so much out of the car, it would be well worth cutting down on other things to balance. By "other things" I mean, for instance, movies and similar entertainment..Furthermore, it will get us outdoors a lot this summer and that is what we both need. One saving it will affect is Willie's grocery bill since she can now go to market every Saturday and do a lot of her buying there. I don't plan to drive it to work as I go with Mr. Dunham regularly anyway. So when you come next month, we can enjoy the country together in "the Dodge." It is perfectly marvelous around Erie in the spring, "an earthly paradise" as it was described in a novel, "I Walk in Arden," whose scene was Erie. The author is Jack Crawford, I think, and is published by Alfred Knopf (1922). I haven't read it but Bob Clingerman told me about it. ..... We had a lovely letter form Stella (Talmadge) in which she enclosed two letters I wrote to her when I was 9 and 10 years old respectively. Willie just raved about them. I remember the paper well but not the letters. ..... We are getting along wonderfully with our friends. We played bridge at the Luthers last Tuesday evening and that afternoon Willie had Ethel Yokes, Frances Mertens, and a friend of Ethel's in for bridge. This afternoon, Adeline and Mrs. Lottridge were here. ..... Here is a little diagram of our guest room which I promised to send to you. This will give you an idea of what your room looks like now. Incidentally, the bed takes up a bit more space than shown on the diagram: