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at the Benjamin Franklin where Sahlmann and Gillilan were also stopping. That night Sahl and I went over the whole Cuba proposition that we would discuss the next day, and the entire day Tuesday was spent in conference with the Brill engineers. ..... Monday evening I finally succeeded in getting Rog on the phone and arranged to see him Tuesday. He said his father and mother were stopping off on their way to Florida and asked me to have dinner with them Tuesday evening. It was quite a reunion and Roger was the same as ever. Mr. and Mrs. Casler were leaving that night at 8 for New York where they were to catch the boat for Florida the next day. so we all went over to Broad Street Station and saw them off. Then Rog and I went back to my room and talked until about 10:30 when he had to catch the train for Swarthmore, where he lives. He is the same old Roger. They all inquired for you. We had a very pleasant time. ..... On Wednesday, the Brill people had made some changes in the LV car and we went out on another test run of about 100 miles. Our apparatus began to give us quite serious trouble before the run was completed. We examined the faulty apparatus and, finding there was nothing we could do, I left post haste for Erie on the first train to see what could be done here. I went direct from the train to the office Thursday morning and have been on the jump every since. I found that Perkinson, who handled the job several months ago, had specified the wrong operating coils for the magnetic switches, and with this disclosure, practically all the trouble we'd had was explained. We got in motion to secure the right coils and needed six for each of the LV cars.  Only six were available and they were in transit from Schenectady but fortunately arrived yesterday, were taken directly from a packing case in a box car, and expressed to Philadelphia. The other six are being made at Schenectady on a day-and-night basis. Now I have to return to Philadelphia to be there Monday morning for another conference and another run on the repaired car. I am so sorry for Willie but there is no way of getting out of it. It is, of course, wonderful experience and worth worlds to me in an engineering way but I hate to leave her. She is going to have some of the girls stay here this time if I have to be away over a day or so as she doesn't like to stay here alone, particularly on the first floor. She is wonderful about it though--just as sweet as she can be. ..... We have the car and our licenses and took a little ride last night. It is really awfully attractive and runs well. Willie is going to get her driver's license Monday. We simply have learner's permits now.

[[underlined]] To Mother, March 22, 1927 [[/underlined]]: Here I am in Philadelphia again and about ready to start back to the Brill plant for a second day's work. We ran about 100 miles yesterday and the car is greatly improved. Willie got her driver's license yesterday, I think, so we shall be free to use the car then. Both much thrilled. Today is our second "anniversary."