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Just two weeks from tomorrow! We shall be so happy to welcome you back again. ..... One of the Brill guests accompanying the Lehigh Valley car on its trial run, was the superintendent of motive power of the street railways of Mexico City, a Mr. Murray, and it developed that he knew Mr. Nikiforoff very well down there. I now find out why Mme. and the children remain in Schenectady--they are becoming American citizens. ..... We got to see Lindbergh after all. He is here today, coming from Cincinnati. He was due at 2 p.m. at Bowman Field. There were two other planes soaring around but no Lindy appeared and it appeared certain that he'd be late. It got to be nearly two o'clock and still no sign of him. At about 1:58 p.m. there was a roar and the "Spirit of St.Louis" swooped out of nowhere, made a long dive toward the field as if to land and then turned its nose right up toward the sky and climbed almost vertically, soared around again and finally glided down. I'll bet the wheels of the plane touched the ground at exactly two o'clock. Although the parade was very brief, my look at Lindbergh was good, and he has one of the most beautiful faces I ever saw on a man. I don't wonder everybody in Europe went crazy about him, for he is about asfine a looking boy as I ever saw--just as brown as he can be, with pink cheeks showing through the brown, and the nicest face you can imagine. He looked as though he wondered why everyone was going so nearly insane, a sort of quizzical little smile around his mouth. I don't believe my glimpse of him lasted over two seconds at most. But in that moment, I guess I saw someone whose name in history will be unique. ..... Your trip to Victoria sounds so interesting; you must be having just a grand time out there. We shall arrive back in Erie as previously planned, that is, Sunday, August 21st, and shall expect you Tuesday, the 23rd.

[[underlined]] To Mother, September 14, 1927 [[/underlined]]:  Our trip was highly successful as you may judge from the fact we arrived in downtown Erie at 9:30 p.m. We ate our lunch on the lake shore just east of Canandaigua and our supper in Buffalo about 5:30 p.m. Dodgen performed admirably except for a few minor squeaks, and, after all it is reliability that counts most. There's no particular news to relate since we arrived home. I hear that Mr. Emerson drove his new Packard to Schenectady recently and took one of the testmen along. The testman reported that the Old Man drove around 70 mph some of the time--a regular wild man of a drive. ..... Willie goes to her bridge club this evening. I have eliminated some of Dodgen's squeaks myself and may take a little ride, possibly picking up some of the boys. ..... I am very busy now getting the "Mongrel" diagram completed in the drafting room, and also making up a proposition for the Spanish Northern--high speed passenger locomotives with regeneration--that is regenerative braking where the locomotive pumps power back into the trolley wire. It is new work for me and